You may know exactly what you want to study, or you might not. 无论哪种方式,我们都会在这里帮助你追求学业成功的目标. 学术顾问可以帮助你在选择专业和确定获得学位的道路方面做出正确的决定. We can assist you in building your academic schedule, 帮助你完成所需的表格,并指出你需要的资源,以达到你想去的地方.

无论你是在寻求指导,计划如何满足主要和次要的要求, or help scheduling next semester, 我们可以帮忙. 另外, we offer support with the registration process itself, and help if you find yourself on academic warning or probation. 无论您的情况如何,我们都可以帮助您制定最适合您的时间表.

Click Below To View Available 资源:


H. T. 桑普森图书馆


获得个性化的建议,找到解决你在制定学业计划和毕业道路上面临的任何挑战的方法. Advisors are available in-person & 几乎. Click below, then login with your JNumber & NetID.



大一新生 注册信息


The freshman year sets a great foundation for your academic success.  熟悉你的学位要求,指定的学术顾问和学生参与.  了解你的校园可以帮助你按时上课,并利用为你提供的学术资源. Prepare to select and follow your chosen pathway. 有关通识教育和衔接课程的更多信息,请点击这里:

二年级学生 注册信息


二年级学生s are encouraged to have declared majors and career goals.  如果你没有, 你的学术咨询会议应该集中在帮助你探索和确定一个专业.  导师将协助你完成第二年的评估.  当你继续探索职业选择时,你可能会发现自己对一门辅修课程感兴趣.  

初级 注册信息

60 - 89小时

作为大三学生,你将开始完成你专业的高级课程.  这是一个与你的学术部门讨论实习机会和开始研究工作要求的好时机.  在你的课程期间,你可以准备评估你第三年的课程要求,并开始为大四做准备.

高级 注册信息


90 +小时


作为大四学生, 您将与指定的指导老师一起完成毕业前评估.  应该讨论切合实际的计划和暂定的毕业日期,并相应地注册你的课程.  在准备毕业时,学生应该制作简历,并与系里的导师和教职员工分享. 

新建或重新申请 登记 Steps

All Classifications

Step 1- Complete the admissions process with the Office of 招生.
Step 2- Submit all official transcripts to the Office of 招生.
Step 3- Complete the online orientation, for more information email
Step 4- Complete the 登记 Request Form at the completion of the orientation process.
Step 5- Speak to an advisor about your course options!
Step 6- Complete 登记>>>这里的步骤



运动 登记 



JSU 只有ne 登记



Find Your Success Team

建议 by Academic Division

专业是根据他们对我们世界的研究的相似性来划分学术部门的. Advisors are then assigned to each academic division. To find your advisor, look for your major in the academic divisions.

Self-Serve 建议 Tools

无论您是在寻找指导方法还是只是想自己探索选项, we’ve got you covered.

登记 Instructions

Use these instructions to walk through course registration. 

Click Here to View


Choosing a major can be a tricky decision. Check out our 度地图 and tips for making these decisions. Also, find instructions on declaring or changing your major.

Click Here to View

建议 资源



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Do I have to see an advisor before I register?

新生-三年级(0-89学时)必须在大学学术指导中心与学生成功顾问会面注册课程. 高级s will meet with an assigned Faculty/Department Advisor.  During the short (30 minute) meeting, you and your advisor will discuss your selected major, 小, and/or pathway  and courses you plan to take in the next semester(s).

When do I register for next semester?

注册日期和时间在注册期间的不同时间分配给学生. 您将通过电子邮件收到您的预约安排链接,以选择您方便的日期和时间. 注册将持续到每学期最后一天,以添加一门课程, 但在开课后可能会有延迟注册的费用. Please refer to the university academic calendar to see these dates.

How do I register for classes?

使用学生成功顾问通过电子邮件发送给您的预约安排链接或登录到 EAB by using your JSU NetID and password click “Schedule an Appointment”. 

What classes should I take next semester?

你所上的课程应该基于你在之前的咨询会议或注册会议上与你的导师确定的学术计划. 每个专业的学位要求信息和课程描述可以在JSU PAWS账户中找到. What classes you take depends on your intended major, your semester classification, and the courses you still need in order to graduate.

What is a 登记 Hold and how do I get it removed?

注册暂停阻止学生注册即将到来的学期的课程. 学生财务服务处可以因各种原因对学生进行登记, the Student Health Center, Dean of Student Office, or other authorized individuals. 登记保留只能由提出保留的一方解除. 你的学术顾问可以帮助你确定hold的来源,并指导你到合适的地方去移除它. To have your best selection of courses, 您应该在注册时间开始之前检查您的横幅帐户中的持有情况.

What is a prerequisite?

先决条件是在学习课程之前必须满足的规定. 先决条件可以包括:成功完成指定课程的顺序, 行为/ SAT分数, and/or classification.



Can my advisor add me to a class that is full?

No, departments/instructors make these decisions, 所以你需要联系开设该课程的部门和/或教授该课程的讲师.

When Does 登记 Open?

Priority is based on classification from hours earned. 在期末成绩公布之前,学生不能获得本学期的学时.  要查看您的分类,您可以查看您的非正式成绩单总工时或查看JSU PAWS中的学生信息标签.